03 Jun Eat Like a Champ: The Best Foods for Runners What Should I Eat? Fueling your body before and after a strenuous workout is crucial for minimizing soreness and re-energizing your mu... Continue reading
03 Jun Sports Drink Alternatives? 7 Healthier Picks To Power Up Your Workout After a tough workout at the gym, many people reach for a sports drink. You know the ones; those technicolor fruit drinks, most often l... Continue reading
03 Jun 8 Foods Athletes Must Avoid Limit Sports Drinks Unless you're working out or running for more than an hour, it simply isn't necessary to consume sports drinks, sa... Continue reading
03 Jun The 9 Best Foods for Athletes Sure, carbo-loading's important—but for top-notch performance, it's just part of the story. Supplement your training with these healthy... Continue reading
31 May Study: Is Breakfast Necessary For Weight Loss? Study says breakfast may not be necessary if your goal is to lose weight. Is eating breakfast necessary for weight loss? If you’r... Continue reading
31 May Is Alcohol Killing Your Workout? You’re smart enough to know that regularly downing a six-pack of beer will mess with your efforts to carve out six-pack abs. But how ba... Continue reading
31 May The Best Protein Powder for Your Smoothie While most women get the recommended 70 to 90 grams daily, they consume too much at dinner and too little at breakfast and lunch," says... Continue reading
31 May What to Eat Before a Run Your training plan may say it's time for your lunchtime five-miler, but your grumbling stomach begs to differ. So how can you get throu... Continue reading